Americans with disabilities act training
Americans with Disabilities Act Training
- ADA Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center Training,
ADA Basic Building Blocks Course Completed March 30, 2008
Syracuse University CEU Credited (Score for post test of all V Titles: 96%) - ADA Update: 16 years later
July 18, 2006
April 23, 2008 - Ask the Department of Justice
November 14, 2006
April 24 2008 - U.S. Access Board: Status of ADA Related Rulemaking
December 12, 2006
April 1, 2008 - ADA Restoration Act: Legislative Update
May 15, 2007
Lost print date, reprinted November 23, 2009 - ADA: Update 17 years later
July 17, 2007
April 23 2008 - ADA legal update: Current Litigation Trends Under the ADA
October 16, 2007
April 22, 2008 - Disability Law and Policy, Past, Present and Future
December 18, 2007
April 23 2008 - Best Practices in Design: Balancing Local, State and Federal
Requirements To Ensure Accessibility
January 15, 2008
April 19, 2008 - There Are No IEPs in College (Individualized Education Plan)
April 15, 2008
December 4, 2008 - Ask DOJ: Proposal to Revise ADA Regulations under Title II and Title III
July 8, 2008
August 13, 2008 - ADA Update: 18 years later
July 15, 2008
September 21, 2008 - ADA Restoration Act v. ADA Amendments Act
August 12, 2008
Lost print date, reprinted November 23, 2009 - Serving Customers with Disabilities: Implications for the Hospitality Industry
August 19, 2008
November 12, 2008 - ADA Case Law Update
October 21, 2008
December 23, 2008 - Everything You Need to Know About the Enforcement of the ADA But
Were Afraid to Ask
November 18, 2008
December 23, 2008 - ADA Case Law Update: 19 Years later
July 21, 2009
August 6, 2009 - Legal Update: Review and Analysis of Key Concepts Under the ADA:
November 17, 2009
Printed October 18, 2013
International Code Council Member (ICC)
International Code Council Training
- ICC 2003 IBC Transition from the 1997 UBC February 14, 2006, San Jose, California. (I.C.C. Awards 0.6 C.E.U.s)
- ICC 2006 IBC transition from 1997 UBC October 5, 2006, Concord, California (I.C.C. Awards 0.6 C.E.U.s)
- California Building Code and Federal Accessibility Requirements Webinar Based on the ADA, Fair Housing Act, Architectural Barriers Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the 2007 California Building Code (CBC). AIA Continuing Education December 5, 2008 ( I.C.C. Awards 0.3 C.E.U.s)
- California Building Officials (CALBO)
- Completed over 178 hours continuing education training, maintaining a C- 3 CALBO Code Credential since 2001, some subject multiple years.
- California Building Officials Training Institute Courses completed some multiple years
- State Laws (course taken 2 years)
- California Codes (course taken 4 years)
- Disabled Access-Special Topics (course taken 1 year)
- CA Occupancies-Types of Construction (course taken 1 year)
- Case Preparation/Expert Witness (course taken 2 years)
- Non-Residential Disabled Access (course taken 5 years)
- Legal Aspects and the Building Department (course taken 1 year)
- Over-the-Counter Plan Check (course taken 1 year)
- State Laws Enforced by the Building Departments (course taken 2 years)
- 1997 UBC Basic Means of Egress (course taken 1 year)
- Transition to the 2003 IBC (course taken 1 year)
- Transition to the 2006 IBC (course taken 1 year)
- Plan Check 1 (course taken 1 year)
- The Americans with Disabilities Act/Accessibility training (course taken 1 year)
- Title 24 , Part 6 Energy Inspection (course taken 1 year)