
Joe P Card – JPC Contracting

JPC-Contracting-providesJPC Contracting provides general contracting, structural steel contracting and specialty contracting. Mr. Card has been in the building trade industry for 46 years and has been a licensed contractor for 28 years, during those 28 years, Mr. Card has been providing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) & Title 24 (CBC) expert witness consulting, (site retro fitting) site specific design plans (with the aids of an Engineer or Architect) and cost analysis for barrier removal pursuant to §36.304 of the ADA regulations. Mr. Card also consults on projects involving.

  • §36.401 New Construction, in conjunction with Title 24
  • §36.402 for Alterations, in conjunction with Title 24
  • § 36.403 for Alterations: Path of travel, in conjunction with Title 24
  • §36.405 Alterations: Historic preservation in conjunction with Title 24
  • California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
  • Premises Liability
  • Construction Defect
  • Site specific, risk management services

Mr. Card’s detailed inspections are pursuant to the governing regulations and standards subject to the property. Conclusions are provided in a comprehensive and easy to understand report, including the relevant code sections.

Becoming compliant with the governing regulations and standards is prudent and protects
the public from barriers to access and the property owner and tenants from litigation.

Mr. Card has been:

  • Retained as an expert in over 207 cases for both plaintiff and defense
  • Retained as an expert in over 74 risk management cases
  • Qualified and testified in 7 Federal trials in California
  • Qualified and testified in Superior Court of California County of Kern Bakersfield
  • Qualified as an expert in a United States District Court District of Nevada
  • Retained as an expert in a FEHA case, deposition transcript used at trial
  • Retained in 4 additional cases, of which he was not required to take the witness stand.
  • Deposed 35 times in conjunction with litigation as a retained expert

Specializing in:

  • Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) of 1968
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) of 1990
  • 4450 Cal. Government Code
  • 19955 Cal Health and Safety Code
  • ANSI A117.1 – 1961 – ANSI A117.1 – 1980
  • California Code of Regulations, Title 24, California Building Code(CBC)
  • Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)